Using toolbar

The writing tools and functions in the toolbar are an integral part of class. The pen toolbar menu varies, depending on the stylus settings.

Toolbar on teacher tablet : Using stylus

Toolbar on teacher tablet : Using stylus

Toolbar on teacher tablet : Not using stylus

Toolbar on teacher tablet : Not using stylus

Drawing tools

  •  Pen

Use this function to switch to drawing mode. The Pen function is only available when using a finger or a regular stylus.
Tip: Use a stylus for a more precise drawing.

  •  Eraser

Use this function to erase parts of the drawings on the page.

  •   Erase All

Use this function to erase all the drawings on the current page. Once erase all is selected, the pen or eraser mode is deactivated.
Note: The pen and eraser function cannot be selected at the same time.
Tip: the eraser width can be adjusted.

 Eyes on teacher
Use the eyes on the teacher function to lock the students’ tablets. When the eyes on the teacher mode is enabled, an “end eyes on teacher mode” widget appears on the upper left-hand corner of the teacher’s tablet. The teacher can easily disable the eyes on the teacher mode by pressing the widget or the function button.
Tip: Use this function to draw the students’ attention to the teacher.

선생님 Tablet 위젯

Tablet widget for the teacher


Student Tablet

Student Tablet

Use this function to capture the students’ tablets.
1. Choose the capture function on the toolbar.
2. Drag to specify the area to capture from the students’ tablets, then select the apply button.



3. The specified area is captured and shown on the teacher’s tablet.

Capture tile view screen

Capture tile view screen

Questions do not always need to be prepared in advance. Instant quizzes can be administered during class.
 More menu
The more menu provides additional functions to use during class.


Related topic

Using More menu
Video: How to Use Quizzes