Editing Content and Objects

Content or objects that have been added to the page can be edited when selected.


Selecting Content or Objects

Selecting Content or Objects


Selected content and objects can be moved to the desired area.


Changing Size
Grab the handle A02-7_Image02 and adjust it to scale the object.

  • Scaling the object by grabbing the handles from the corners will keep the size proportion.
  • Scaling the object grabbing the handles between the corners will not keep the size proportion.

Note : Making text boxes too small may result in being unable to see the text. To avoid this, make the text box larger or the text size smaller.


Grab the rotation handle A02-7_Image03 and turn it to rotate the object.


Tip : For these functions, the objects will automatically snap to the nearest snap point.


Change form
Select the desired form from the toolbar to change it.




Change alignment
Select the bring forward A02-7_Image05 or send backward A02-7_Image06 buttons on the toolbar to change the alignment.


Touch to show
Select the Touch to show A02-7_Image07 buttons on the toolbar to toggle touch to show mode. The object will appear when the area is selected.

Touch to show

Touch to show


Select the copy A02-5_Image01 buttons on the toolbar to copy the object.


Select the delete A02-5_Image02 button to delete the object.