Using More menu

Additional functions may be used during class. For example, student attendance and class material can be changed.

More menu

More menu


C06-03_Image02 Class Material
This menu allows the teacher to change the Class Material. Under material, the teacher can take advantage of additional content, such as a blackboard. When the teacher changes the slide, the students are automatically taken to a standby screen.

Class Material

Class Material

학생 대기 화면

Student wait screen


C06-03_Image05 External File
Class material does not need to be added ahead of time. Using the more menu, the teacher can access additional saved files during class.


C06-03_Image05_1 Open Web
This menu is used to run the browser and browse websites. This screen also provides writing tools and the “Eyes on teacher” mode.

Open Web

Open Web


This menu is used to view and change the students’ statuses. The students are displayed according to their current status. The class name and student attendance can be found on the right side of the screen. If a student is selected, a pop-up screen allows the teacher to change the attendance status.



There are four different attendance statuses:

  •  Present: the student is present.
  •  Late: the student is late to class.
  •  Left Early: the student left early during class.
  •  Absent: the student is absent from class.


 Screen Share
The teacher can capture and send their current screen by selecting the share screen button in the more menu. The screen capture is sent to the students and can be found as a thumbnail image on the right of their screen.